Welcome to the Archivists and Records managers Association of Ghana (ARMAG). ARMAG was formed in the year 2016 at the University of Ghana by a core group of seasoned professionals and Lecturers from the Department of Information Studies at the University of Ghana. The core goal of the association is to promote good records management practices and good governance. To achieve this, the association has been consistent in developing training courses and seminars to help its members update their skills so they can be the advocates of good records and good governance in their institutions. The association has about 200 members spanning across a spectrum of practicing professionals, the Academia, students, and Organizations.
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The association has about 200 members spanning across a spectrum of practicing professionals, the Academia, students, and Organizations..
Editor’s Note
It is my pleasure to introduce ARMAG’s maiden newsletter. It is the editorial committee’s hope that the newsletter will be a vehicle for sharing, information and inspiration for colleagues so we urge everyone to make this newsletter their own by contributing to its various sections.
In this inaugural issue we have two articles that discuss the lessons we can learn from other records and archives contexts. While ARMAG vice-president Isaac Armstrong’s article focuses on what Ghana can glean from the United States’ National Records and Archives Agency’s M-19-21 policy for its RTI implementation, former president of ARANZ, Eric Boamah discusses what we can learn from our colleagues and sister association in New Zealand. University of Winneba Archivist Baaba Bonuedie reflects on how her professional experiences have demonstrated the intersection of archives, records and information management.
In future, we plan for the Spotlight section to feature one archival repository’s collections and activities. In our first Spotlight section, however, we introduce five archival institutions which were featured in our inaugural Archives Month celebration.
Edwina Ashie-Nikoi, PhD.
Lecturer, Department of Information Studies
University of Ghana, Legon
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Archivists news from around the world
News from the National Archives
- Washington’s Birthday (Presidents Day)
- Historical Arlington Cemetery Records Arrive at National Archives
- African American History Month Resources at the National Archives
- Volunteer to Transcribe as a Citizen Archivist
- 'Road to Revolution' Series Shares Women’s Perspectives on the Boston Tea Party
- 25 New Citizens Celebrate Bill of Rights Day With National Archives
- Archivist of the United States Hosts Book Talk with Author Paul Sparrow
- Bill of Rights Day Education Programs at the National Archives
- 6888th Postal Battalion Delivered High Spirits to Weary WWII Troops
- Austin’s LBJ Library New Home to Vietnam Veterans Memorial
News Archives – The National Archives
- The National Archives to establish new hub for community-led research in the cultural heritage sector
- Seeking permanent home for John le Carré literary archive
- The National Archives launches guidance for archivists working in fast response situations
- MI5: Official Secrets exhibition opens in the spring
- Latest release of files from MI5
- World leaders who signed No 10 Downing Street visitor books
- Extraordinary new clue about the Princes in the Tower found at The National Archives
- Latest accredited archive services announced
- The National Archives Welcomes New Board Members
- Royal Flying Corps and Successors: World War One Gallantry Award Medal Index Cards Released